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Fig. 2 | Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts

Fig. 2

From: Enhanced glycerol assimilation and lipid production in Rhodotorula toruloides CBS14 upon addition of hemicellulose primarily correlates with early transcription of energy-metabolism-related genes

Fig. 2

Map of genes expressed over the mean level of TPM in Rhodotorula toruloides CBS14. Gene densities when grown on each of the two different carbon sources are indicated in concentric circles. From outside to inside: a R. toruloides CBS14 contig names; b sizes; and in 10 kb windows, density of genes expressed over the mean TPM level in CBS14 when grown in CGHH as main carbon source at c 10 h d 36 h and e 60 h; and in CG at f 10 h, g 30 h and h 60 h. The circles representing samples from cells grown in CG are also indicated in gray. Only nuclear encoded genes are included in this graph. CG, crude glycerol; CGHH, mixture of CG and hemicellulose hydrolysate; TPM, transcripts per million kilobases

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